Monday 19 August 2013

Leaving Nature Alone

There is no doubt that the environment has been deeply and often negatively impacted by the actions of our society. What is more debatable is our role in its restoration. Is it our duty to restore the earth to its pre-industrial state? Or do we stand back and let nature fix itself?

We at Global feel that the environment does not need us to save it, rather we need to change our relationship with it to allow healing. We believe that when treated with dignity, the environment has a way of healing itself.

Environmental restoration is admirable, but human tends to go about it in the same controlling and dominating way that caused many of the issues in the first place.

Well-known British environmentalist George Monbiot makes a similar argument in his new book Feral: Rewilding the Land, the Sea and Human Life. Monbiot challenges the traditional philosophy that we are to be stewards of the land, suggesting that us further interfering with its natural processes is not helpful. He feels we underestimate how powerful nature is in healing itself and that while we can help kickstart ecosystem restoration, humans also need to take a step back and let nature run its course, a process he refers to as ‘rewilding’.

Check out a recent CBC news article on Monbiot’s new book and his rewilding philosophies!

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